Monday, November 12, 2007

OK. This is ridiculous. All weekend I did absolutely nothing. No homework, nada. Lazy. I honestly tried last night, but I just couldn't figure out how to study! What on earth is up with that. I thought at first it was cuz Jason was home and it was noisy and I just couldn't concentrate, but tonight, same thing. It's like I don't want to study. OK, so most of the time people don't want to, but that has NOT been me this semester. I have been loving it. Seriously. Not kidding. I think I am just overwhelmed by this case book project. I am really considering just scraping the whole darn thing and starting over. It's frustrating. The house is completely quiet tonight, yet, I want to do a million other things. Email, read, take a bubble bath, NOT sit in front of a PC... hmmmm, maybe that is my issue. Walk away from the PC. Well, its worth a try. First, I have to get this letter written for another class then we'll try it...

Thursday, November 1, 2007


I wish I had more of it. I can't believe how I thought I could post on here regularly. Its ok though. School is more important. Why am I finding the time to write now? Once again, I am in my worthless digital media class and need something to do. I wish I could get into this class more. I like it, I just don't have the time to focus on it like I should be. I need to make that a goal this weekend. Anyways, rant for the day - WORK. I absolutely hate my job. I love what I do, but I hate the environment. My supervisor drives me crazy. She can't supervise. I guess this is why I am back in school. So I can close the chapter in the book about that place. I am trying to stay patient, knowing that I'll get out soon. And that all this is going to pay off A LOT. I just hate how that place drains me though. It zaps my creative energy. I let it go I think for the most part, but days like today are just a big struggle. OK, I wrote about absolutely nothing, but I feel I can work on these photos now...