Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Wanting to Scream

I am frustrated and at my complete wits end with the internship I am doing in designing a website for a client. We have been working on this since August and do you think I have one sentence of content for the site the client HAD to have?!? I could cry. I could scream. I just don't get why people want websites and then it is like suddenly too much work and that's just that. Hello!?! WTF do you think goes into designing and programming the site? Do you really think that writing a few paragraphs for a few pages is hard? You are the one that wanted this site - I would hope you had the content in mind months ago. The worst part is I am trying to stay professional in this matter. I sent the client a time line WEEKS ago. Has anything on that time line been met deadline wise? Heck no, at least not in the client's world. The due date is December 15. I just sent the most friendly, professional email I could muster asking for EVERYTHING by December 13. Why do I have this sickening feeling that I'll be up late late Sunday night putting this all together. I am sure then she'll have a nit pick or two in the design as well. Too bad. My "professional" email included that there will be NO design changes. And that will be absolute.

I love designing sites. I love figuring out the code and putting it together and playing with the CSS to make the page come alive. I've been working on my own professional portfolio one for about two days now and its almost done... content and all...

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Smiling at Myself

Funny that the last post on here was about sick people. Lo and behold it is when I am practically on my death bed with an illness that I would finally have time to write for a bit on here. OK. I'm not dying... That was perhaps too harsh. Really though, for how I have felt the last few days, I can't help but relate it to death. Somehow over the wonderful relaxing stress free Thanksgiving holiday at my dad's, I caught some nasty bacterial infection. I have no idea why, but for once, I didn't wait too long to go to a doctor. I knew something wasn't right. Of course, that landed me at home for almost the entire week.

And no, it's not the greatest thing to have almost a week straight off, especially when you can't even go out the front door. I've run my poor husband to the store about four times and made him take me to the clinic that was thick with germs. Seriously people, do not breathe out of your mouth if you are sick! And if you can't breathe any other way, ask for a mask!

After almost an hour in the waiting room, I got to see a doctor and I guess I was too sick to even be in the sequestered sick patient waiting room. After they took the labs they needed (which were also marked STAT), out the door I went. Other than that trip though and the three hours I HAD to work Monday to get my holiday pay, I did keep myself from the world as best as I could. It hasn't been fun at all. Or at all like having time off. I've slept in about 12 hour spurts, waking between sleep sessions for about 4 hours at a time. I actually said to Jason late Tuesday night that I'd much rather be at work - and that is saying a lot if you know how much I "love" my job...

I am smiling at myself for other reasons too - like how staying at home for this long period of time is driving me crazy. I love being at home. It is easily my favorite place to be. Now I can't wait to go out. Too bad the meds I am on are taking their sweet time to work. I am dreaming of the highest calorie dinner out I can think of, complete with dessert, along with seeing my coworkers as they can always make me laugh. While I know it is damn cold out, I look forward to bundling up tomorrow and feeling the harsh North Dakota wind on my face. And the walk to class. Oh, do I miss class! Two weeks left and I have to miss almost all of one. I can't even think about how far behind this put me either. I know I will prevail. And yes, I've tried to do homework on this little hiatus of mine. The brain is too foggy and any amount of time over an hour in front of PC or TV screen makes my eyes and head throb to the point that they may explode.

Yet through it all, I'm smiling at myself. I am taking that as a good sign as I certainly wouldn't have done that 24 hours ago. With two weeks of school remaining before I am once again a "graduate" maybe I'll find some time to actively write on here. I have, as usual, so much I want to rant about - most recently my love and fascination with the Twilight Sage... let's hope this misery leaves me soon.