Monday, July 28, 2008

Power of Facebook

I had a wonderful chat with a very good friend who I had lost touch with for many years (which yes, was stupid). Amazingly, it happened through that craze called Facebook. I haven't decided if I am a Facebook fan yet. I just spent the last hour and a half going through about a 100 requests from various friends, half of which I am guessing didn't work as I didn't give the system time to load. But, I am down to 25. That's all the matters.

Facebook though - like I said, the ability to be able to connect with someone like I did tonight was awesome. Denise and I spend about a half hour just catching up - she lives in California now, so it was late for me and she needed to get home as well, but still having that moment to chat... Anyways, typically Facebook drives me nuts. I know its just all the rave and people are on it all the time, but I just can't get into it. Or may its that I can't keep up with it. I don't have time. I guess if it weren't blocked at work, I could probably get on track better, but yeah, no go there. When I come home, I simply don't want to waste time online. I am online a lot, but I feel I am online constructively, not just surfing. Not that there is anything wrong with surfing. I am all for it when you need to pass time. I guess after sitting in front of a PC all day troubleshooting what I feel is pretty standard issues for people online, I don't want to spend more time doing that.

I think I am tired and need to go to bed right now... seems like I am going on about nothing. LOL, oh yeah, this is my place to rant and I guess I am doing just that. Now though, sleep is calling my name. I think all those Facebook requests pooped me out.

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